Welcome to Connect the Tots

Connect The Tots connects families in Reading, MA and surrounding communities through organized playgroups, member outings and local events.

Connect The Tots is a great way to meet new friends and get involved in community activities! You can join a playgroup, or attend discounted or free group outings to some of the area’s kid-friendly attractions. We also offer a “Meals for Moms” program that supplies meals for families who are bringing home a newborn and may need help with dinners during those first few weeks, as well as provide meals for families experiencing hardship and are in need of a helping hand. Members enjoy a bi-monthly newsletter that outlines all the “local happenings” as well as events planned by our Board and the CTT membership.

Become a Member!

Connect The Tots is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. Annual membership dues are $25 per family. The membership year runs from September to August each year. Members enjoy the benefits of our bi-monthly newsletter, low cost admission to group events, and inclusion in our Facebook group page.

Questions about becoming a member? Please contact our Director of Membership and we will send you a complimentary copy of our newsletter.